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Konu: FLAÞ sökmeden yazmak için Jtag devre þemasý anlatýmý ve programý

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    Kullanýcý Bilgi Menüsü

    Standart FLAÞ sökmeden yazmak için Jtag devre þemasý anlatýmý ve programý

    arkadaþlar resimler alýntýdýr

    Kablonun nasýl yapýldýðý aþaðýda anlatýlmýþtýr umarým iþinize yarar.

    Building Simple JTAG Cable

    DiyGadget Part No.: DG-JTAG-S01

    Simple JTAG Schematic

    Malzeme Listesi

    DB25 Via IDC20 IDC10
    2 100 Ohm Resistor 9 4 (TMS)
    3 100 Ohm Resistor 11 3 (TCK)
    4 100 Ohm Resistor 13 1 (TDI)
    5 100 Ohm Resistor 19 8 (TRST)
    13 100 Ohm Resistor 15 6 (TDO)
    18-25 100 Ohm Resistor 20 9 (GROUND)

    Step 1: Open the package, familiar with all the components. If you have ordered 20 pin configuration, you will not get B and G in the picture. If you have ordered 10 pin configuration, you will not get A and F.

    Step 2: Cut one 100 Ohm resistor as shown in picture.

    Step 3: Put some melted solder into the cup 2, 3, 4, 5, 13, and 18 to 25 of the DB25 male connector as shown in picture.

    Step 4: Use the cutted resistor conductor to connect 18-25 pin together.

    Step 5: Cut the rest resistors as shown in picture.

    Step 6: Solder 5 resistors onto the DB25 connector (pin 2,3,4,5 and 13).

    Step 7: Cut the resistor conductors as shown in picture.

    Step 8: Put some melted solder onto the bare conductors.

    Step 9: (10 pin configuration) Cut and strip the flat cable as shown.

    Step 10: (20 pin configuration) Cut and strip the falt cable as shown.

    Step 11: (10 pin configuration) Put some melted solder onto the bare wires, then put the heat shrink tube onto the wires.

    Step 12: (20 pin configuration) Put some melted solder onto the bare wires, then put the heat shrink tube onto the wires.

    Step 13: (10 pin configuration) Solder flat cable onto the DB25 connector as shown in picture.

    Step 14: (20 pin configuration) Solder flat cable onto the DB25 connector as shown in picture.

    Step 15: (10 pin configuration) Put heat shrink tubes onto the resistors to prevent short circuit.

    Step 16: (20 pin configuration) Put heat shrink tubes onto the resistors to prevent short circuit.

    Step 17: (10 pin configuration) Align wires on the IDC connector. Make sure line 1 is under the little triangle as shown in the picture. Then squeeze two halves of the IDC connector together until both retainer loops snap over the ribs and lie flat against the sides.

    Step 17: (20 pin configuration) Align wires on the IDC connector. Make sure line 1 is under the little triangle as shown in the picture. Then squeeze two halves of the IDC connector together until both retainer loops snap over the ribs and lie flat against the sides.

    Step 19: (10 pin configuration) Put the strain relief onto the IDC connector. Squeeze the strain relief and the IDC connector.

    Step 20: (20 pin configuration) Put the strain relief onto the IDC connector. Squeeze the strain relief and the IDC connector.

    Step 21: Prepare the DB25 shell as shown in picture.

    Step 22: (10 pin configuration) Take the two wire holders and clamp them onto the cable. Pay attention to red arrow in the picture.

    Step 23: (20 pin configuration) Take the two wire holders and clamp them onto the cable. Pay attention to red arrow in the picture.

    Step 24: Put the DB25 connector into one half of the DB shell.

    Step 25: Close up the DB25 shell. Use the remaining two screws and nuts to finish the assembling.

    Step 26: Close up the DB25 shell. Use the remaining two screws and nuts to finish the assembling.

    Step 27: Congratulations! You are done!
    resimdeki kabloyu kullanacaðýnýz diye bi kaide yok renkli koblo kullanýrsanýz bence daha iyi olur ben öyle yapmýþtým uclarý karýþtýrmamak için
    kablonun ucuna baðlý gördüðünüz soketi yapmanýza gerek yok TDO, TRST, TDI, TCK, TMS bu uçlarý unutmayýn
    resimler alýntýdýr uzun zamandýr uðraþmýyorum çünki
    cihazýn jtag giriþine uygun kablolarý lehimliceksiniz iþ bu kadar

    Bu Linki Görmeniz Ýçin SupersatForuma Uye Olmanýz Gerekmektedir.

    buda pin baðlantý noktalarý resmi incelersen bacaklarý nasýl baðlanacaðý hakkýnda

    flaþ programlarken kullanacaðýnýz programý da aþaðýdaki linkten indirebilirsiniz

    Bu Linki Görmeniz Ýçin SupersatForuma Uye Olmanýz Gerekmektedir.
    Bu Linki Görmeniz Ýçin SupersatForuma Uye Olmanýz Gerekmektedir.
    istediðinizi kullanýn

    bu iþlem ýbm iþlemcili bordlarý desteklemez
    flaþý sökerek detekleyen bordda da yapabilirsiniz

    bununla sadece flaþdump atabilirsiniz
    rs232 den attýðýnýz programý atamassýnýz
    örnek baðlantýlar
    Bu Linki Görmeniz Ýçin SupersatForuma Uye Olmanýz Gerekmektedir.
    Bu Linki Görmeniz Ýçin SupersatForuma Uye Olmanýz Gerekmektedir.
    Konu yargýç_1 tarafýndan (09-02-2009 Saat 10:48 ) deðiþtirilmiþtir.

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